Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What is the true meaning of love?

What is the true meaning of love?

Most people who claim to love someone don’t really love them, because they don’t know what love actually is.

Real, true love is unconditional. All other “kinds” of love are not really love. Most parents and kids don’t love each other, most people in relationships don’t love each other, most people on the planet never experience unconditional love in their entire lives… or at least it sure looks that way.
To love someone unconditionally means that you love the person exactly as they are, exactly as they were before, and exactly as they will be in the future – because people change all the time, so if you love the person, you will love them even if they become something you disagree with. How many parents can say that about their kids? How many people can say that about their “lover”? Love is not about you or your pleasure or your amusement. It’s not about what you get out of it or what the other person can give to you. It’s not about having a trophy you can show off with and tell people “This is *MY* girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband/son/daughter/whatever”. You do not “own” anyone. It’s not about you feeling ‘proud’ to be with someone who always agrees with everything you say and do and never does anything you disagree with. Unconditional love means that the person can just live their life exactly as they choose and you will always be there for them no matter what.
In order to truly understand love, you must first forget everything you have ever learned about it from society and anyone else. You are the only person who can tell you what love is. The only reason I’m writing all this stuff is because people always try to fit “love” in with things like dating, relationships and marriage and all that. You can’t make any sense of it if you keep doing that. You have to get rid of everything you think you know first before you could claim that you are in love.
I have gone through this and I'm in the mist or still trying to find the true meaning of love and I hope you guys too will found it one day in the near future.

Music Heals Your Soul.......

Had you not taken your medicine ?

What will you do to release out your stress or other means of pressures ?
Will you go for a heavy drinking session with your drinking buddies ? or Take any medical
substance to relief or Does any silly things that resulted consequences after that ?

Well everyone will have their own ways or means to release this uncomforted feelings.

Personally I felt the best medicine to heal this little soul will be

There are many times where I will encounter this sort of unwanted
events or perhaps such feelings however things will eventually subside
when certain tunes or melodies are played.

Sometimes I wonder music can represents everything of a medicine in healing
but not curing our mental sickness but having saying that at least it does help in
giving us a moment of peace and tranquillity from all those unwanted feelings.

Whatever it is or whether any method to achieve this moment of peace will
still be the best way depends on individuals preferences and needs,

As long as this methods or ways helps !  

Friday, June 1, 2012

Claiming your rights incidentally.........

If you would to encountered a chance my incidentally discovering
the most famous sword the "Excalibur" as mention in the 
legend of King Arthur and his knights of round tables,

What would you do ?

Would you try to unearthed the sword to claim to your rights, 
if you are able to do so ?


You would leave it as it this to the next person to earthed it ?

Well in life we often comes to crossroads when we tried to decide
on certain things that we want and do, but what exactly you'll do during 
moment like this where everything that you want is right in front
of your very eyes awaiting for you to claimed it ?

Are we being naive or merely just being imaginative ? 

The answer is NO. Anything can happen in this world and 
we could not deny the term miracle as this does happen.

For instance the new black president of the united states and the 
state criminal Aung San Su Kyi who has become member of the junta
government parliament member.

This is just a little example of what can happen which are probably
out of our calculation or expectation or perhaps predictions. 

What I'm trying to point out over here is that miracles does happen and
when it happens to us how would we be reacting to that and
will that be something which are more to positive or on the other

What important is that if this does happen to us, take some time 
to digest it first before making the decision of being part of the

Lost Souls

Have you ever wonder whether your soul has left your body before ?
Might come and go at times ?

Very often during times when we are down and things are seems to 
be hopeless with no clear indication of a direction to lead us
where eventually it will lead us to no where, During this moments
Have our soul has left our body and wandered somewhere else ?

Very often I believe I've encountered this phenomenon events where
I could hardly explain why I'm here instead of some where else and
why am I doing this and what is the reason for me to do this ?

I believe when the soul returns to my body things seems to be in place
and the picture somehow become clearer on the exact particular 

Whenever I'm in such situation I believe my soul has left my body
and its either waiting for him to come back or perhaps I could
call out to him to be back.

In actual life, does this really happen ? 

Is not for me to say or judge, but somehow this strong
feeling is just there and its rather tough to be erase.

So, have you ever encounter this before ?