Friday, June 1, 2012

Lost Souls

Have you ever wonder whether your soul has left your body before ?
Might come and go at times ?

Very often during times when we are down and things are seems to 
be hopeless with no clear indication of a direction to lead us
where eventually it will lead us to no where, During this moments
Have our soul has left our body and wandered somewhere else ?

Very often I believe I've encountered this phenomenon events where
I could hardly explain why I'm here instead of some where else and
why am I doing this and what is the reason for me to do this ?

I believe when the soul returns to my body things seems to be in place
and the picture somehow become clearer on the exact particular 

Whenever I'm in such situation I believe my soul has left my body
and its either waiting for him to come back or perhaps I could
call out to him to be back.

In actual life, does this really happen ? 

Is not for me to say or judge, but somehow this strong
feeling is just there and its rather tough to be erase.

So, have you ever encounter this before ?   

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