Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Is it insecurity or reality ?

Is it insecurity or reality ?

Is it true that when one person is at his or her prime time will
received all the attention and be Se-rounded by everyone ?

But what happens when this people are on their down side ?

Will they still have this attentions ?

Will they still have this hi bye friends around them ?

Very often we will meet new individuals and expand our network
however this individuals might not be the one who will brave
through tide and waves with you.

So, how would we determine whether how true is it 
as far as this treatment is concern is in fact a
reality and not the feeling of in-security ?

I'm not saying that there will not be any true friends or perhaps
someone who will stand with us when we are encountering
downfall or slowdown or anything but in today's
world where we are showered with lots
of material and indecent proposals are we still
confident that things won't change ?

Personally I've encountered this sort of treatments 
and honestly instead of asking sympathy from these lots
I would choose to be alone.

The only group of people who will stand with
us in regards of any good or worst situations 
will be............


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