Thursday, May 10, 2012

Silly School with silly rules....... what a shame.

Silly School with Silly rules..........

It is to my knowledge that the most recent kinapping incedent case has somehow shows the need of the schools to tighten their securities measures to ensure that childrens registered under their respective schools or learning institution are given the extra measures to ensure of their safety
while in the school compound / area.

But what happens in Sri KDU in Kota Damansara is rather extreme and I would say silly when comes to implement this measures.

Parents are resricted to pick up their kids eventough they are there personally and was told to drive their cars / vehicle with stickers only or otherwise they (the school) would not release. Is this how it should be done ? What had happen to our society now ? Its so silly to have such rules.

Why there are no proper notifications or proper planning before executing such rules that creates so much of this inconvenience to other people especially to their students and their parents. Are they out of their mind ? How come there is no proper meeting with the parents first before such regulations are implemented.

I do hope the star paper who I deem the papers that cares would take this issue and do a proper study check to ensure that there should be a proper way we could adopt to ensure that a win win situation is obtained.

Its enough already with all this funny stuff which demonstrates the low mentality of our fellow countrymen. We should progress and be wise enough to ensure the country would not be any laughing stock to the others.


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