Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A walk down memory lane......

During some time when we are not doing anything at all would you be thinking
and would you somehow recalls the years of your childhood or teenagers years
or perhaps some events which are worth for you to recall just
to refresh back those memories.

Many of us would have this or probably would think of this as when we are free
from the need of doing those donkey works which is rather routine
in our life on the daily basis.

Come to think back when I recall this moments, it's simply wonderful
and somehow gives me a sense of peace during this recall moments.

For instance, during childhood where we are not bond to anything or responsibilities
as we are facing right now and would you not agree with me that this 
somehow will reduce your stress level and thus gives you a room 
to breath by doing so.

Very often I would recall back many things to remind myself that how lucky I'm 
to be still around considering some of the moments which are rather life taking
or hardship where we would not imagine.

Its good to sometimes recall back some past events so that we could improve and 
and rectify probably some of the mistakes we've done in the past and so that
it would not repeat again in the future.

There's a phrase saying " Making a mistake is not a sin however making this 
mistakes without learning from it will be a sin"

What can I say any more ? Its surely well said and I totally agree with this statement
as we are just a normal human being and deem to do mistakes at
times even we don't realize or do it on purpose.

So, conclusion is whenever we have time please try to recall and take a trip down memory
lane during our free time to constantly remind us some of the past events to enable
us to have a new and more fruitful event to come.

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