Friday, May 18, 2012

Confused and confusing....

Sometimes we tend to do things that we do not know why and how ?

Most of the time we are basically in a confused stake of mind and at times we wondered around
like a lost soul searching for its body and most of this actions or reactions will probably
make us more confusing.

But what really confused about this things is that we do not mind doing it 
and keep on repeating it until time comes when we start to ask ourselves questions.

Why I'm doing this ? How come I'm here instead of there ? When does this happen ?

Well is not wrong at times being confused even-tough we do think
rationally and at the same time in the clear mind stake.

But what really matters the most is not to allow this confuse stake to become more
confusing whereby it by complicate certain matters.

At times I don't know how to differentiate between whether I'm confused or
I just don't understand.

I've many times while driving alone but not sleepy trying to reach my destination
and my mind have lots of pictures running and running in front of me which 
I'm still driving and of course still focusing on the road however it has been 
quite unrealized that while having this pictures running suddenly I've 
reach my destination and the funny thing is that I will ask myself
How come I've reached already ? and I don't quite remember the roads I took
that leads me to my destination.

How about this ? Funny right ?

That shows how powerful our mind is even-tough we are focusing on something
we could still do other stuff without realizing that we are doing it.


This is called unrealized  multi tasking  mode !!!!!  

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