Monday, May 7, 2012

Unintention Gathering

Sometimes we wonder if there is any chances to meet up with friends or relatives without going through
the hassle of calling and try to arrange a meet up session taking into consideration of have to 
suits everyone timing and the venue and what sort of activities need to be organize or planned.

Well come to think off a wedding reception or a wedding 
banquet u might want to address it might be the good way
of making this happen.

I've attended a lot of wedding dinners and other official
and not official gatherings where the similarity of this 
events seems to be the same, where people who are not 
in contact for such some time are basically brought to gather
to have a huge but yet short gathering.

Was attending my girl's course mate's wedding yesterday and saw a lot of this faces whereby saying long time no see and etc etc. 

I guess having have to go through the hassle of arranging 
such gathering why not just attend a wedding reception
and let everyone gathered together not just celebrating the
event of union but also for a no hassle gathering
with friends and relative.

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