Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A best friend indeed when you need

Friends ? Best Buddies ? Drinking Buddies ?

Which are this above or perhaps not mention are the correct ones to describe most of
the so called friends or people around you ?

Do you think we should have expectation from our friends or best buddies ?

In life as we grow we will encounter with a lot of individuals be it whether they are special
or not and eventually this people will turn into our friends or perhaps just merely acquittance.

What I'm trying to point out over here is whenever you are in need of help in any kind, Who
would you turn to and will this person that you approach would lent a hand to you
to solve your problems or at least treat you out for a drink and listens to your
grievances ?

Many times we would say that we have lots and lots of friend without realizing
who of they and whether this people actually remembers us or not ?

Well at times when we come to think back, how often would we take the opportunity
or trouble to contact, get in touch and perhaps a just a courtesy of asking
how are you doing via the email ?

Personally I categorised myself as a quite heartless person before as I never bothered to
return calls, return greeting cards, return birthday wishes and etc.

But recently I've realize that I'm wrong and has take up the challenge to change
and be more sensitive in regards to this issue.


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