Friday, May 11, 2012

What will be your defination of enough ?

Well this is indeed a very interesting topic to lot of people but stills 
consider a taboo to a lot of us Asians however things does change somehow rather.

Is there any word such as enough ? Well it will solely depends on every individuals need,
desire and urge.

One thing for sure is that some people will take sex as just a routine work e.g. eating and working 
and bla bla bla !! 

To me having sex is just a good reason for a couple to build a stronger bonding
provided is not just for the sake of having it. What I meant is towards those 
who are dating or perhaps those who are already marriage.

Having regular sex is good for your health indeed as it will enhance your chances
of not getting heart disease and also something like an anti ageing agent.

Personally I'm quite an active person as far as sexual activity is concern but 
what is important here is that you will never fail to be attracted to the same person  
again every time when you make love to her and this makes it so special.

It is the effort of willing to try everything new and having spontaneous events
to enhance the love making session. 

So many articles and people who I know commit extra marital affairs or I would 
say cheating on their spouses be it whether the husband or the wife.

It must be in a mutual understanding of each and others needs in order to create
new height in ones love making session other then the foreplay and the fantasy
thingy stuff. 

I believe there are no secret formulas or any abracadabra merlin thingy 
to enhance this however if both can open themselves and talk it out
on what is in their mind so that the other person can work out something 
or perhaps both can work out something special to enhance or probably
taking their intimate session to a different dimension.

Guys will be guys as most of the time they will think about sex and if possible
they would want to have it like taking medicine 3 times a day everyday.
Of course like most bastards we love to wondered around or scout around
for new ports but this wont happen I guess if a couple's relationship
is strong enough and not inclusive of those who are singles.

I would say my defination is never enough when comes to sex and 

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