Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Loving you only........

Being in love and being love is something really wonderful to every couple.
There's no right or wrong in some of the silly stuff's we do when we are in love
but is only matters whether these silly stuff is worth doing or not ?

Something which I strongly believe when a couple who is in love will
tend to do things that they normally won't therefore the power of
love is so great that it can changes an individual rather instantly 
in term of their behaviour and of course their well being.

Loving a person is not about buying gifts only be it whether its economical
or expensive, its all about what that person meant to you and how 
important that person to you.

Most of what I encounter these days about couples is mostly all about 
gifts and I meant expensive ones. Is it bcos these are trends nowadays or
merely because of the change in the society manner.

Most of the guys today relatively compare to the opposite genders are getting
more and more romantic when comes to plan and impress the one 
that they are courting.

What I've believe so far in a working relationship is that, when you tend
to buy something for your companion why not think of something 
which monetary can't buy.

If I'm a women I would most probably touch by your effort of doing or 
creating something from your own bare hands which is probably
something I would categorize as customize made and it will
mean alot to me instead of just walking into a shopping mall and grab 
something from selves.

Try to impress your companion by doing lots of tiny miny stuff e.g. calling 
her to tell her that you miss her alot, anytime during the day just call 
to say I love you and many smaller stuff that you could probably think off.

What matters the most is the initiative to come out with something 
interesting rather just being lazy and finds the easy way.

At the end of the day ask yourself these questions;

How much do i love her  /  him?
Have I done enough for her  /  him?
Am I caring and tentative towards her / him ?

When you starts to ask these questions you will eventually find out whether
do you really loves that person or maybe you would realize 
that you can do better.

A real working relationship is all about 2 way communications and its not about
showering with gifts only...............

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