Monday, May 7, 2012

Mentoring your way

Why a mentor ? Who needs a mentor ? Who is the mentor ? 

perhaps this questions will less appear in our mind
but trust me it is indeed important for all of us to at least have one mentor in our life who is there to serve us, guide us and most importantly to share with us all his or hers
life experiences of theirs to enable us to learn and see what we could do to change
not only what we do or what we want but what we think eventually.

How many of us who are really lucky enough to have at least one mentor ? What i could 
say is that I'm indeed lucky to have not only one but 3 mentors all together.

My first mentor or I should say sifu teaches me not to be selfish however 
he is one of those selfish ones. I was once told by him that he would only teaches 
me 70% of what we knows and the remaining 30% will be on his 
safe keeping. Come to think of this way, he is right as he is trying to protect 
his interest so that he could maintain certain value so that I would
not superseed his position as my sifu.

My second mentor is the one who shows me the way in advertising and without
her I would not be where I'm in the advertising scene. What I really appreciate
from her is that you must understand the work from A - Z beside having 
the interest only in this industry and fair enough what she has taught me is what 
I've been practising all this years of course with some minor modification
to it to suit my nature and style.

My third mentor is someone not only teaches me on way of being an individual but
most importantly is everything that I do in regards of whether involved my work, 
my relationship, my well being as what she shows me is basically everything. 

This person whom I mention is none other then my very own mom. Not only
she is my mom but a mentor and most importantly she is also my best buddy.
She is the one who has been trying undyingly to show me and teaches me
alot of stuff whereby probably I could not think of especially during my mental 
blockage but what I really loves about this mentor is she is always there
for me whenever I need her and of course without rain or shine prepares 
to serve me with all her might.

What I do see and learn all this years is that having a mentor mentoring someone 
is something that we could not live without be it whether the mentor is your 
friends, your colleague, your companion, your senior, your siblings or perhaps 
your parents could make a different out of you.

Without a mentor you wont die or fail but you'll surely miss out a lot !

A very big thank you to all my mentors and without you guys where would I be
and who would I be now.

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