Sunday, May 27, 2012

Are we dependent or independent ?

Are we dependent or independent ?

The correct message from President John Fitzgerald Kennedy are suppose to be

" Ask not what your country can do for you but what can you do for your country"

When we really put our thoughts into this message we will eventually
discover something more then what this great person is trying to say.

Very often we blame on something or someone for not completing certain mission or
work or certain responsibility assigned to us.

Are we not to certain level which we abused some of the things and people
around us in order for us to achieved or attained something ?

But how often do we ask ourself instead of expecting something or favours from others
which actually would not need that but instead we can do something for this others.

Well sometimes is rather hard to depict as in certain situation we are not able
to do so however we could still offer something else instead for instance, if
we could not assist in term of monetary we could offer something else.

Most of the time we would take for granted and neglects all this things 
which we could do but choose not to.

Very often when some people or individuals have this capabilities to do so
but choose not to compares with those who wanted to do but without
this capabilities.

I sincerely hope one day, one fine day ! I could do both be it monetary
or physical assistance to others which I felt is more meaningful.

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