Saturday, April 28, 2012

Learning the peace of life

Yes is origami and this is something I indulged lately to practice my patience and to learn the peace of life perhaps could expand my creativity.

What I learn about having this as a hobby is that eventought initially your flipping were incorrect however if you are willing to start all over again you will eventually get it right. Same goes to our daily routine or perhaps might be apply to our work.

Sometimes things seems to be easy by looking at it until you lay your hand on it. In everything that we do there is a starting point and always remember where we start so that when we are lost or incorrect we could start all over again. Its better to be late then to be sorry or regret.

One thing about this unique hobby is that you can do so much beside just getting the shape that you want out from the piece of paper. You could for instance create a theme and build a scale model out of this and all you need is your own creativity and most importantly is to think out of the box and look further.

Perhaps one day this hobby could turn into an income instead of being presume as a money wasting hobby and personally I believe I'm thinking and doing it right.

Morale of this is when you put your mind, heart and effort into something which is in your interest eventually something simple could turn into something wonderful.

My Little princess

My little princess, papa loves you very much and it really hurts that papa cannot always be with you for not that papa does not want to but due to the fact that things are just ain't in my control.

My Little princess, papa remembers all the sweet memories and time when you are with papa. We watch barney together and we sing along. Papa misses you so much and no words could describe papa's feeling when you are not with me.

My Little Princess, everyday papa hope that you would be able to call so that I could hear your voice and heal my soul. 

My Little Princess, how are you doing and how is your new environment ? If to be given the chance to turn back the clock papa would not agree to let you leave as papa loves you very much.

My Little Princess, papa had bought you lots of gifts and papa are not able to present it to you. 

My Little Princess, please remember that you are papa's everything and your existence has bring hope and laughter with your over active behaviour to papa.

I LOVE YOU My Little Princess and by seeing your photos I felt your presence and once again you are back with papa.

Don't be afraid to be My Little Princess as Papa will always be by your side.

Falling in love

We often hears people saying "I'm in Love" and of course being in love is indeed something wonderful and every opposite genders would look forward to have this.

But what happens if you fall in love and in the same time falling into a misery hole ? Well, there is no right or wrong when comes to emotional well being of an individual but what matters the most is you are really into this.

Allow me to share with you a cross identity of a couple who are in love but in a reverse manner. What exactly do I mean by cross identity here is that normally the guy would tend to be rather less caring, less tenderness, less this and less that where else the opposite will be very detail as far as lots of things is concern i.e. dates of anniversary, asking of your well being, taking care of your welfare, more tender & loving and etc.

What happen here is the female is basically playing the role of the male and of course the male will automactically plays the role of the female. Weird right ? well i dont think so. What I really think about this characteristic relationship is that sometimes guys can be very different from what the females presume us to be.

During the initial courtship guys would be always in the battle mode as to win the girl of his dreams heart and of course with the agenda of having her for himself. Normally after this session most of the guys would take a sit back and enjoy being in love and of course being lazy. Well truly understood as hard work pays off ma.. well wouldn't it be nice if we the guys would continue to make our companion to fall in love with us everyday in regards to rain and shine so that we could enjoy every moment of this ? This is what I strongly believe we could and we should DO.

On the other hand, very seldom do I come across a guy being trapped in a girls body and what I mean is on the physical outlook she is surely a lady but on the both emotional and mentaly she is not. You see this is basically a new specimen of girl type XY we are talking about whereby they wont show you the tender and loving side, tend to be more stylish then you n most importantly does not really know or perhaps understands the meaning of appreciation.

Sad to know that this happens in real life and I keep on wondering why the guy is still with this girl if she is not really worth to be with and guess what is the answer ?

Answer is "Because I love her more then myself"

Well I was stunned and of course impress that this guy really knows what love is all about and of course the true meaning of loving a another being.

Very often we uttered out this 3 little words to our love ones " I LOVE YOU" but do we really mean it or just because that is the protocal of being in a relationship ?

When you say I LOVE YOU, my point of view is simple. You say it from  your heart but come out from your mouth. Unless you can be this guy otherwise saying I LOVE YOU means nothing to the other person.

The 28th April 2012 Bersih Rally

First of all I would like to congratulates to all who have taken their precious time to participate in this history moment and my salutation to Dato' Samad and Dato Ambiga for their great and untiredness effort in making this happen. Bravo !

No doubt the 3.0 version is a success however personally I felt if there is no violence involved would be perfect. I strongly believe that there are certain quarters who will probably make full use of this event for their own benefit which I would not need to name who are there.

The reason for BERSIH is to ensure that our country's election process comes in a clean and fair manner instead of being toy around by the existing quaters to fullfil their objective to stay in power and continue their agenda or objectives.

Being a well educated person I believe we are mentally fit with good eyesight to determine what is right and what is wrong. Being a responsible citizen we should do what we deem is the best for our beloved nation to ensure that we are certainly progressing instead of moving backwards. It is now the time we should starts looking at ways to make our fellow countrymen to realize where we are now and where would we be if there is now significant changes being introduce.

What we need is a Government who protects all of the citizens right and ensure a fair justice system being instilled. We would love to see this happen and compares to our neighbours we are indeed a progressing country not only we would want on our economy but our social esteem too.

What had happen yesterday in the rally perhaps could help change on others who still believe in the current goverments menifesto and agenda.

We are not babarians but what we want is awareness and to have this awareness aknowledge and to be executed to ensure fair and clean elections are in place.