Saturday, April 28, 2012

Learning the peace of life

Yes is origami and this is something I indulged lately to practice my patience and to learn the peace of life perhaps could expand my creativity.

What I learn about having this as a hobby is that eventought initially your flipping were incorrect however if you are willing to start all over again you will eventually get it right. Same goes to our daily routine or perhaps might be apply to our work.

Sometimes things seems to be easy by looking at it until you lay your hand on it. In everything that we do there is a starting point and always remember where we start so that when we are lost or incorrect we could start all over again. Its better to be late then to be sorry or regret.

One thing about this unique hobby is that you can do so much beside just getting the shape that you want out from the piece of paper. You could for instance create a theme and build a scale model out of this and all you need is your own creativity and most importantly is to think out of the box and look further.

Perhaps one day this hobby could turn into an income instead of being presume as a money wasting hobby and personally I believe I'm thinking and doing it right.

Morale of this is when you put your mind, heart and effort into something which is in your interest eventually something simple could turn into something wonderful.

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