Saturday, April 28, 2012

The 28th April 2012 Bersih Rally

First of all I would like to congratulates to all who have taken their precious time to participate in this history moment and my salutation to Dato' Samad and Dato Ambiga for their great and untiredness effort in making this happen. Bravo !

No doubt the 3.0 version is a success however personally I felt if there is no violence involved would be perfect. I strongly believe that there are certain quarters who will probably make full use of this event for their own benefit which I would not need to name who are there.

The reason for BERSIH is to ensure that our country's election process comes in a clean and fair manner instead of being toy around by the existing quaters to fullfil their objective to stay in power and continue their agenda or objectives.

Being a well educated person I believe we are mentally fit with good eyesight to determine what is right and what is wrong. Being a responsible citizen we should do what we deem is the best for our beloved nation to ensure that we are certainly progressing instead of moving backwards. It is now the time we should starts looking at ways to make our fellow countrymen to realize where we are now and where would we be if there is now significant changes being introduce.

What we need is a Government who protects all of the citizens right and ensure a fair justice system being instilled. We would love to see this happen and compares to our neighbours we are indeed a progressing country not only we would want on our economy but our social esteem too.

What had happen yesterday in the rally perhaps could help change on others who still believe in the current goverments menifesto and agenda.

We are not babarians but what we want is awareness and to have this awareness aknowledge and to be executed to ensure fair and clean elections are in place.

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