Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Inspiration comes late at nite.......

Very often I do have problem sleeping at nite, I wonder 
whether its insomnia or what ?

Funny thing about this happening has somehow triggered my
interest to think and write which somehow again become my 
past time while waiting to go to bed.

Initially I was clueless to what I should write and how to start but
when things just happen, automatically inputs are pouring in and its 
fun and in the same time fulfilling.

I strongly believe by writing not only you could express out what you think
but most importantly is the sharing of what you encountered to others
so that they would perhaps aware and acknowledge that all
of us do have different encounters and we could probably
gain something out of this.

It's funny though that a person like me who does not seem to have good
English but so eager to write and basically can't wait to write.

But why writing and not other interest of hobbies ? 

This is the question i ask myself.

Well, this question will never have an answer cause I don't really know
why and honestly I don't even keen to find out as long as 
it gives me the satisfaction at the end of the day.

1 comment:

  1. But why there is no latest post from you? Does that mean u able to sleep early nowadays? :-)
