Sunday, July 29, 2012

We shall decide what is the best for our pension funds

When we work hard for the money we look forward to have a 
better living environment and also enjoy life after our retirement.

However cases are rather funny over here as this hard earn money 
of ours are imposingly being decided by certain quarters which
GOD knows what is their true agenda behind this by increasing 
the withdrawal age from 55 to 60.

My god if we would to die even before the retirement age 
isn't it seems unfair to us whereby we have not even 
have the chance to utilize even a cent of our hard earn ?

What if we needed the money for emergency ?

How about after retirement at 55 and I wanted to start 
a small business can i withdraw from my pension funds ?

I dun think so. The possible reason I could probably think
of why such funny rules are introduce is because this
quarters felt that they could any time do something to
their like when the pension funds coffers are there
and thus they have forgotten that this is our money 
and not theirs.

Why cant we decide ourself on our own hard earn money ?

If we were to refer to the dividend pay out on this recent 
10 years it has been not in favour and fair to us as the contributor.

Who are this bunch of clowns to claim that they have the rights 
to decide what they want to do with our money ?

If you would to say that you have the right to do so, well 
personally I felt we also have our rights to move our pension 
funds to other organization which could provide us more.

Its time to realize that all of us have been a victim 
of dirty activities carried out by certain quarters to 
protect their interest instead of ours.

Final questions, If one its already in heavy debt and in the
verge of bankrupt can we withdraw our pension funds to solve 
this issue ? Funny right we cant do anything when we are 
in such challenging situation eventought  he have the money, 
and its


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