Wednesday, July 11, 2012

SMK Buntong, Ipoh Perak practises students discrimination and un-equal treatment

All of us would agree that during our schooling years silly things
done by us are rather a norm as we are all teenagers.

However what happens in this school is purely unfair treatment and 
insane thinking of certain teachers towards certain students.

I strongly believe that all of us does encounter some punishment for some
small wrong doings during our schooling years but do we deserve to be called 
lier's or a prostitute by the teacher ?

That shows the mentality of the teachers itself needed to be corrected 
or perhaps certain actions to be taken against them.

As a teacher, their duties is to assist the students not only on academic
issues but also guide them to be a useful person when they leave 
school into the society.

But what happens here is not what we assume but is the ugly truth of
what is practising where this teachers are basically more superior and
perhaps above the law.

As we progress in a progressing nation, we need too also have 
progress in term of our mentality but what had happen here ?

What is your objective of going into this sector ?
What is your vision and mission ?

Students at this age are rather vulnerable and easily being influence or 
perhaps might get the wrong idea by having such treatments from this
uncivilized individuals.

Its no longer the issue within the school compound when a teacher
who i deemed an adult who are qualified uttered out such statement
which related to racism and defamation.

The teachers who mention such statement could be prosecuted and
also has not only violated the school rules but the issue of 
as far as remark on racism is concern in a multi racial 
country like Malaysia.

All this should not be happening as we are a progressing nation
and its our duty to curb such incapability individuals or perhaps 
should remove this portion of teachers from the society.

What is the point of dedicating a public holiday for the teachers 
when they themselves does not earn the respect ?

If anyone should be reading this and could be a victim of 
unequal treatment from Sekeloh Menengah Kebangsaan Buntong, Ipoh, Perak.
Please stand up and get the justice back on track so that others
could benefit from your nobel gesture.    

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