Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Is it insecurity or reality ?

Is it insecurity or reality ?

Is it true that when one person is at his or her prime time will
received all the attention and be Se-rounded by everyone ?

But what happens when this people are on their down side ?

Will they still have this attentions ?

Will they still have this hi bye friends around them ?

Very often we will meet new individuals and expand our network
however this individuals might not be the one who will brave
through tide and waves with you.

So, how would we determine whether how true is it 
as far as this treatment is concern is in fact a
reality and not the feeling of in-security ?

I'm not saying that there will not be any true friends or perhaps
someone who will stand with us when we are encountering
downfall or slowdown or anything but in today's
world where we are showered with lots
of material and indecent proposals are we still
confident that things won't change ?

Personally I've encountered this sort of treatments 
and honestly instead of asking sympathy from these lots
I would choose to be alone.

The only group of people who will stand with
us in regards of any good or worst situations 
will be............


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Are we dependent or independent ?

Are we dependent or independent ?

The correct message from President John Fitzgerald Kennedy are suppose to be

" Ask not what your country can do for you but what can you do for your country"

When we really put our thoughts into this message we will eventually
discover something more then what this great person is trying to say.

Very often we blame on something or someone for not completing certain mission or
work or certain responsibility assigned to us.

Are we not to certain level which we abused some of the things and people
around us in order for us to achieved or attained something ?

But how often do we ask ourself instead of expecting something or favours from others
which actually would not need that but instead we can do something for this others.

Well sometimes is rather hard to depict as in certain situation we are not able
to do so however we could still offer something else instead for instance, if
we could not assist in term of monetary we could offer something else.

Most of the time we would take for granted and neglects all this things 
which we could do but choose not to.

Very often when some people or individuals have this capabilities to do so
but choose not to compares with those who wanted to do but without
this capabilities.

I sincerely hope one day, one fine day ! I could do both be it monetary
or physical assistance to others which I felt is more meaningful.

Diversification in whatever we do.......


Very often we will come across this term especially in the area of 
doing business or entrepreneurship.


Have we ever thought that our mind can be also diversify in 
our own way ?

Our brain is such a wonderful part of our body but yet we 
do not realize the potential of what we could do
or how can we expand or maybe perhaps
discover some ability which scientist can't be explained.  

I've always wonder whether we could do so as our brain 
basically have the capacity or rooms to store so much
of data and memories which enable us to carry
out our work and think properly. Not to mention the ability
of problem solving and creativity mindset.

If only we could diversify our mind to do something
extra which we do not probably think of or
maybe the capability to achieve.

How I wish I could do that and one thing I must stress here
is that having the diversification of my mind is nothing
compares to multi tasking or whatsoever.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Life. What do we look for and can we see it coming ?

Life. What do we look for and can we see it coming ?

Most of the time we would ask ourselves lots of questions pertaining or in regards
to this issues.

We often thinks that sometimes its predestined that our life is in such 
manner and therefore we should accept as it is and live with it.
But what really matters to us as far as our own life is 
concern is whether there is any possibility for us to change
or re-route it to our expectation or perhaps 
something we would want it to be ?

Well, the answer is with us all this while. 

Some individuals can't choose what they want to be and how to lead their life's
but do you think we can ?

Senator Robert Kennedy perhaps is someone who we could look upon
on how he tackles such issue from assisting his brother for the presidency
campaign to his own presidency campaign which I think is not what he
really wants but was told to lead such life none other then his father 
Joe Kennedy.

Not all of us are born to such majestic and yet powerful family that leaves us 
no choice to choose our own way of doing things we like in our own way.


We could as a matter of fact can make this changes to what we have now 
to suits us more so that we can have a meaning life without have to 
worry of so many things to take care of.

Think carefully and think deeply on this topic and perhaps
in no time we could find ourselves answers to our 
own questions.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Descendent of the Dragon.....

Indeed is an interesting topic to write as most Chinese around the world 
believes that we are the descendent of the Dragon.

Dragons are very closely related to all the Chinese as we believes
the dragon brings not only health but wealth.

Those who are born under the dragon zodiac sign of the Chinese believes that
the child will one day grow to someone who are not only intelligent but
would be able to be a leader as compare to Capricorn.

If we were to trace back the ancient Chinese history which is like
some 5000 years back we would discover lots of unknown and untold
stories about our culture, believes, literatures and many many more
not to left out also some of the precious artefacts and scroll which 
are in no value to put for.

As a Chinese and the descendent of the dragon I would  probably say
that I'm proud as we are rich with cultures and literatures.

I was not really into an in depth study or research few years back on this 
topic as at that time I would say that it would not bring any benefits to 
what I'm currently doing but it proofs that I'm wrong as when I really
go into this topic in a more detail manner I discovered something 
I was not told by my parents nor my grandparents.

This something which I'm refering to is called


Friday, May 18, 2012

Confused and confusing....

Sometimes we tend to do things that we do not know why and how ?

Most of the time we are basically in a confused stake of mind and at times we wondered around
like a lost soul searching for its body and most of this actions or reactions will probably
make us more confusing.

But what really confused about this things is that we do not mind doing it 
and keep on repeating it until time comes when we start to ask ourselves questions.

Why I'm doing this ? How come I'm here instead of there ? When does this happen ?

Well is not wrong at times being confused even-tough we do think
rationally and at the same time in the clear mind stake.

But what really matters the most is not to allow this confuse stake to become more
confusing whereby it by complicate certain matters.

At times I don't know how to differentiate between whether I'm confused or
I just don't understand.

I've many times while driving alone but not sleepy trying to reach my destination
and my mind have lots of pictures running and running in front of me which 
I'm still driving and of course still focusing on the road however it has been 
quite unrealized that while having this pictures running suddenly I've 
reach my destination and the funny thing is that I will ask myself
How come I've reached already ? and I don't quite remember the roads I took
that leads me to my destination.

How about this ? Funny right ?

That shows how powerful our mind is even-tough we are focusing on something
we could still do other stuff without realizing that we are doing it.


This is called unrealized  multi tasking  mode !!!!!  

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Soul mate..

Soul mate. Two little words, one big concept.

A believe that someone, somewhere, is holding the key to your heart and 
your dream. All you have to do is find them.

So, where is this person ?

" People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. 
But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back,
the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.

A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, 
because they tear down your walls and smack you awake.

A soul mate's purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit,
show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can 
get in, make you so out of control that you have to transform yourself and your life".

Once, a long, long time ago, all humans had four legs and two heads.
And then the gods threw down a thunderbolts and split everyone into two.
Each half then had two legs and one head. 
But the separation left both sides with a desperate yearning to be

Because they each shared the same soul  and ever since then,
all people spend their lives searching for the other half of their soul.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A walk down memory lane......

During some time when we are not doing anything at all would you be thinking
and would you somehow recalls the years of your childhood or teenagers years
or perhaps some events which are worth for you to recall just
to refresh back those memories.

Many of us would have this or probably would think of this as when we are free
from the need of doing those donkey works which is rather routine
in our life on the daily basis.

Come to think back when I recall this moments, it's simply wonderful
and somehow gives me a sense of peace during this recall moments.

For instance, during childhood where we are not bond to anything or responsibilities
as we are facing right now and would you not agree with me that this 
somehow will reduce your stress level and thus gives you a room 
to breath by doing so.

Very often I would recall back many things to remind myself that how lucky I'm 
to be still around considering some of the moments which are rather life taking
or hardship where we would not imagine.

Its good to sometimes recall back some past events so that we could improve and 
and rectify probably some of the mistakes we've done in the past and so that
it would not repeat again in the future.

There's a phrase saying " Making a mistake is not a sin however making this 
mistakes without learning from it will be a sin"

What can I say any more ? Its surely well said and I totally agree with this statement
as we are just a normal human being and deem to do mistakes at
times even we don't realize or do it on purpose.

So, conclusion is whenever we have time please try to recall and take a trip down memory
lane during our free time to constantly remind us some of the past events to enable
us to have a new and more fruitful event to come.

A best friend indeed when you need

Friends ? Best Buddies ? Drinking Buddies ?

Which are this above or perhaps not mention are the correct ones to describe most of
the so called friends or people around you ?

Do you think we should have expectation from our friends or best buddies ?

In life as we grow we will encounter with a lot of individuals be it whether they are special
or not and eventually this people will turn into our friends or perhaps just merely acquittance.

What I'm trying to point out over here is whenever you are in need of help in any kind, Who
would you turn to and will this person that you approach would lent a hand to you
to solve your problems or at least treat you out for a drink and listens to your
grievances ?

Many times we would say that we have lots and lots of friend without realizing
who of they and whether this people actually remembers us or not ?

Well at times when we come to think back, how often would we take the opportunity
or trouble to contact, get in touch and perhaps a just a courtesy of asking
how are you doing via the email ?

Personally I categorised myself as a quite heartless person before as I never bothered to
return calls, return greeting cards, return birthday wishes and etc.

But recently I've realize that I'm wrong and has take up the challenge to change
and be more sensitive in regards to this issue.


Friday, May 11, 2012

Why only during Mother's Day ?

Mother's Day !

I would probably put this event as a gimmick of some clever business individuals to 
garner in more revenue for their business. During this day who will probably benefit 
from it ? Let's see, the eateries, the souvenir shops, florist, boutique's and
many many more.

Lots of questions running in my mind on mother's day. Why only remembers your mom
during this day and only reward her during this day ?

When comes to mothers day most of this so called filial children will tend to 
pretend they remember their mom and etc.

I'm not referring to the majority but let us look at this in a different manner 
or angle. I would love to see some response or perhaps create some
awareness by posting some of this following questions :

1) How often do you say I love you to your mom ?
2) Do you basically share most of your stuff with her ?
3) We often keep our GF or BF photo in our wallet how about 
keeping your mom's picture ? Do u do that ?
4) Is it by remembering mother's day will indicate that you care ?
5) How often do you call your mom ? ( if not staying together)

I love my mom very much and it does not matter on which day as to me
everyday is mothers day. If any of you had followed on my recent writings,
you will realize that I have at least two topic which I've mention about my mom
who is not just my mom but a mentor and a best friend to me
and most importantly I do carry my moms photo with me everyday 
and everywhere I go.

To me whoever only remembers of their mom during this day and
 celebrates mother's day are purely  Hippocratic individuals and honestly my 
respect for this people are basically NIL !

Let us not forget that eventough there is special day dedicated to respective figures 
please remember that this day means nothing but for commercialization purposes
and if you are really sincere in honouring your mom please treat every day is



What will be your defination of enough ?

Well this is indeed a very interesting topic to lot of people but stills 
consider a taboo to a lot of us Asians however things does change somehow rather.

Is there any word such as enough ? Well it will solely depends on every individuals need,
desire and urge.

One thing for sure is that some people will take sex as just a routine work e.g. eating and working 
and bla bla bla !! 

To me having sex is just a good reason for a couple to build a stronger bonding
provided is not just for the sake of having it. What I meant is towards those 
who are dating or perhaps those who are already marriage.

Having regular sex is good for your health indeed as it will enhance your chances
of not getting heart disease and also something like an anti ageing agent.

Personally I'm quite an active person as far as sexual activity is concern but 
what is important here is that you will never fail to be attracted to the same person  
again every time when you make love to her and this makes it so special.

It is the effort of willing to try everything new and having spontaneous events
to enhance the love making session. 

So many articles and people who I know commit extra marital affairs or I would 
say cheating on their spouses be it whether the husband or the wife.

It must be in a mutual understanding of each and others needs in order to create
new height in ones love making session other then the foreplay and the fantasy
thingy stuff. 

I believe there are no secret formulas or any abracadabra merlin thingy 
to enhance this however if both can open themselves and talk it out
on what is in their mind so that the other person can work out something 
or perhaps both can work out something special to enhance or probably
taking their intimate session to a different dimension.

Guys will be guys as most of the time they will think about sex and if possible
they would want to have it like taking medicine 3 times a day everyday.
Of course like most bastards we love to wondered around or scout around
for new ports but this wont happen I guess if a couple's relationship
is strong enough and not inclusive of those who are singles.

I would say my defination is never enough when comes to sex and 

Guilty as it is..........

Guilty ? It is a rather serious word right ? 

How often do we feel guilty for anything ? How about when times when you heard from 
someone of their problems and at that point you can't do anything at all but
just be able to lend an ear for him or her and just sit down there doing nothing but listens.

At times I wonder that if only we could do more so to speak to help out so that 
this feeling of guilty is not that hard slapping on us.

Very often we hear that if money can solve a problem or any problems it would not 
be a problem but the issue is, is it really that money can solve all the problems
that we are facing ?

Very often I'm at such situation where I listens and can't even do anything to help
and this feeling is not funny and happy at all perhaps a noble cause would 
not be that noble any more however come to think of at least we are able
to listen to their experiences and problems that they are facing
to enable them to let it out from them so that they might felt better.

The least we could at that point.

How I wish I could do something when I'm in such situation knowing
that the particular person whom I'm with feel lots better and happy
to have things sorted out.

If only I could !

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Silly School with silly rules....... what a shame.

Silly School with Silly rules..........

It is to my knowledge that the most recent kinapping incedent case has somehow shows the need of the schools to tighten their securities measures to ensure that childrens registered under their respective schools or learning institution are given the extra measures to ensure of their safety
while in the school compound / area.

But what happens in Sri KDU in Kota Damansara is rather extreme and I would say silly when comes to implement this measures.

Parents are resricted to pick up their kids eventough they are there personally and was told to drive their cars / vehicle with stickers only or otherwise they (the school) would not release. Is this how it should be done ? What had happen to our society now ? Its so silly to have such rules.

Why there are no proper notifications or proper planning before executing such rules that creates so much of this inconvenience to other people especially to their students and their parents. Are they out of their mind ? How come there is no proper meeting with the parents first before such regulations are implemented.

I do hope the star paper who I deem the papers that cares would take this issue and do a proper study check to ensure that there should be a proper way we could adopt to ensure that a win win situation is obtained.

Its enough already with all this funny stuff which demonstrates the low mentality of our fellow countrymen. We should progress and be wise enough to ensure the country would not be any laughing stock to the others.


Challenges ahead......

Challenge is something that we face or encounter everyday. Have we ever wonder
why and when this happen ? Why us ?

Well some of us might be lucky enough to have everything pre-plan for us courtesy from
our parents and therefore they will encounter less of this challenges or obstacles in their

Its indeed good sometimes to encounter this challenges as it will lead us to be 
better in term of our thinking and well being.

Not many people have this privileges to have pre-plan scheme planned for them
therefore these group of people are basically force to mature at an early age
and prepares them to face the real world.

But what if there are just to many of this obstacles running around you and bothers you ?
Will you avoid ? or choose to face this and overcome this one by one. 

It is our choice to avoid but only for a while of peace for doing so, why not we choose to 
face it and share some of this with people around us be it seeking their help or 
advise to solve this once and for all.

Finally, all this will only lead us to be a better person and create value for us in the future 
coming. There are no easy road ahead for everyone is just that whether we want to walk 
this road the easy way or the hard way but anyway that we walk will determine
where we will be at the end ! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Is it being Nobel or Cruel ?

Came across this news even before it was published in today's star newspaper about the cross breed
of the American Pitbull on causing the death of the 74 year jogger.

Honestly I'm not really an animal lover however I do strongly believe that equality should
be given consideration even tough they are just a pet or we would called a domestic animal.

Given the fact that this cross breed are rather aggressive and very territorial we should always
take into consideration of the safety measures to avoid unwanted events such like this to happen.

Who are the one to be blame or at fault ? Is it the dog or the owner ?  Well this is the issue
of either being Nobel and Cruel.

As far as the dog is concern I will put it as Nobel as the dog is only performing 
its duty to protect its territory and the property of its owner and due to the fact
of its nature and behaviour therefore its surely a good watch dog.

Most of the time the owner will neglect the well being of their pets by just doing the normal
routine stuff like feeding them. Its important that the owner should spend more time with
them as dogs too have emotional needs.

No doubt I'm not a real animal lover however it is in my parents home that we have not only one
but three pet dogs as the house compound is rather huge and gives us the advantage to 
to have this pet dogs.

We have 2 dogs which is a cross breed between a terrier and mongrel and the other
one which is a pure Pugs as a play dog.

My mom is indeed a dog lover as she spends alot of time talking and playing with them. Its
to my knowledge recently when the dogs are ill and she is so worried that something
bad would happen to her pet dogs that even she is not well the dogs are still her priority.

It is only when you can commit to such responsibility before thinking of getting a pet dog
for whatever purposes and if you are not please never think of this. 

Dogs are well known as the "Men's Best Friend" and why they earn such nobel addressing ?
It is the owner who are kind and care enough to shower them with love that gains this domestic
animals the title.

It is indeed cruel to know that the dog have to be put to sleep
due to the negligence of its owner and the owner can 
just walk freely and thinking of nothing but getting another
one after this incident.

Well, is this being Nobel or Cruel ? I'll leave it up to you !

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Loving you only........

Being in love and being love is something really wonderful to every couple.
There's no right or wrong in some of the silly stuff's we do when we are in love
but is only matters whether these silly stuff is worth doing or not ?

Something which I strongly believe when a couple who is in love will
tend to do things that they normally won't therefore the power of
love is so great that it can changes an individual rather instantly 
in term of their behaviour and of course their well being.

Loving a person is not about buying gifts only be it whether its economical
or expensive, its all about what that person meant to you and how 
important that person to you.

Most of what I encounter these days about couples is mostly all about 
gifts and I meant expensive ones. Is it bcos these are trends nowadays or
merely because of the change in the society manner.

Most of the guys today relatively compare to the opposite genders are getting
more and more romantic when comes to plan and impress the one 
that they are courting.

What I've believe so far in a working relationship is that, when you tend
to buy something for your companion why not think of something 
which monetary can't buy.

If I'm a women I would most probably touch by your effort of doing or 
creating something from your own bare hands which is probably
something I would categorize as customize made and it will
mean alot to me instead of just walking into a shopping mall and grab 
something from selves.

Try to impress your companion by doing lots of tiny miny stuff e.g. calling 
her to tell her that you miss her alot, anytime during the day just call 
to say I love you and many smaller stuff that you could probably think off.

What matters the most is the initiative to come out with something 
interesting rather just being lazy and finds the easy way.

At the end of the day ask yourself these questions;

How much do i love her  /  him?
Have I done enough for her  /  him?
Am I caring and tentative towards her / him ?

When you starts to ask these questions you will eventually find out whether
do you really loves that person or maybe you would realize 
that you can do better.

A real working relationship is all about 2 way communications and its not about
showering with gifts only...............

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mentoring your way

Why a mentor ? Who needs a mentor ? Who is the mentor ? 

perhaps this questions will less appear in our mind
but trust me it is indeed important for all of us to at least have one mentor in our life who is there to serve us, guide us and most importantly to share with us all his or hers
life experiences of theirs to enable us to learn and see what we could do to change
not only what we do or what we want but what we think eventually.

How many of us who are really lucky enough to have at least one mentor ? What i could 
say is that I'm indeed lucky to have not only one but 3 mentors all together.

My first mentor or I should say sifu teaches me not to be selfish however 
he is one of those selfish ones. I was once told by him that he would only teaches 
me 70% of what we knows and the remaining 30% will be on his 
safe keeping. Come to think of this way, he is right as he is trying to protect 
his interest so that he could maintain certain value so that I would
not superseed his position as my sifu.

My second mentor is the one who shows me the way in advertising and without
her I would not be where I'm in the advertising scene. What I really appreciate
from her is that you must understand the work from A - Z beside having 
the interest only in this industry and fair enough what she has taught me is what 
I've been practising all this years of course with some minor modification
to it to suit my nature and style.

My third mentor is someone not only teaches me on way of being an individual but
most importantly is everything that I do in regards of whether involved my work, 
my relationship, my well being as what she shows me is basically everything. 

This person whom I mention is none other then my very own mom. Not only
she is my mom but a mentor and most importantly she is also my best buddy.
She is the one who has been trying undyingly to show me and teaches me
alot of stuff whereby probably I could not think of especially during my mental 
blockage but what I really loves about this mentor is she is always there
for me whenever I need her and of course without rain or shine prepares 
to serve me with all her might.

What I do see and learn all this years is that having a mentor mentoring someone 
is something that we could not live without be it whether the mentor is your 
friends, your colleague, your companion, your senior, your siblings or perhaps 
your parents could make a different out of you.

Without a mentor you wont die or fail but you'll surely miss out a lot !

A very big thank you to all my mentors and without you guys where would I be
and who would I be now.

Unintention Gathering

Sometimes we wonder if there is any chances to meet up with friends or relatives without going through
the hassle of calling and try to arrange a meet up session taking into consideration of have to 
suits everyone timing and the venue and what sort of activities need to be organize or planned.

Well come to think off a wedding reception or a wedding 
banquet u might want to address it might be the good way
of making this happen.

I've attended a lot of wedding dinners and other official
and not official gatherings where the similarity of this 
events seems to be the same, where people who are not 
in contact for such some time are basically brought to gather
to have a huge but yet short gathering.

Was attending my girl's course mate's wedding yesterday and saw a lot of this faces whereby saying long time no see and etc etc. 

I guess having have to go through the hassle of arranging 
such gathering why not just attend a wedding reception
and let everyone gathered together not just celebrating the
event of union but also for a no hassle gathering
with friends and relative.